Kate appears in public for the first time in


All scrubbed up: Kate Middleton and Prince William at the wedding today

Kate Middleton appeared in public for the first time in more than three months yesterday as she and William attended his friend Harry Meade's wedding.

Speculation that the Royal couple are about to announce their engagement was fuelled when they walked through the porch of the church together.

They usually arrive at such events separately to avoid being photographed side by side.

A source at St Peter and St Paul's church in Northleach, Gloucestershire, said: 'When they turned up together and went through the front where there were obviously photographers, no one could believe it. It's very unusual and very significant.'

Yesterday was the first time that Kate, 28, had stepped out with William since July 10, when she watched him play polo at the Beaufort club in Gloucestershire.

Sources say she has been kept in the background ahead of an engagement announcement. In recent months Kate and William, also 28, have been living as man and wife on the island of Anglesey, in Wales, where he is training as a search and rescue pilot.

Friends say they are 'road-testing' married life. Yesterday was the eleventh wedding of friends that Kate has attended in the past five years – seven of them with William, her boyfriend of eight years.

The couple saw friends Harry Mead and Rosie Bradford tie the knot in Gloucestershire

Senior courtiers have expressed concerns that Kate, who has watched most of her girlfriends start families, could be 'the next Camilla'.

But friends insist an engagement announcement is imminent and say they are privately 'as good as engaged' - it is just a case of making the announcement public.

William, though, is said to be reluctant to do so. Aides say his focus is on his military career and having 'as normal a life as he can for as long as he can'.

Harry and Rosie Meade leaving the church in Northleach, Gloucestershire

Perfect setting: The church of St Peter and St Paul in Northleach

Happy and relaxed-looking William and Kate sent a ripple of excitement through the congregation at the village church when they arrived together to see showjumper Mr Meade, 27, marry primary schoolteacher Rosie Bradford, 30.

Mr Meade is also a friend of Prince Harry, who was not at the wedding. The Prince had been criticised for wearing a Nazi uniform at Mr Meade's 22nd birthday party.
Kate, in a stunning royal blue dress, sported tanned legs from the recent Kenyan safari she and William have enjoyed at the family home of his former girlfriend Jecca Craig.

Jecca, whom William met when he first visited the Craigs' estate at 16, was also at the wedding.

A young William was said to have been so besotted with heiress Jecca that they staged a mock engagement ceremony when he returned to work in Kenya during his gap year.

William's three old flames: From left Olivia Hunt, Jecca Craig and Rose Farquhar at the wedding

William's other old flames, Rose Farquhar and Olivia Hunt, were also at the ceremony. Rose, daughter of Captain Ian Farquhar, Master of the Beaufort Hunt, was William's first serious girlfriend, dating him shortly after he left Eton.

Then when he was in his first year at St Andrews University, where Kate also studied, he reportedly dallied with Olivia. The relationship fizzled out and she went on to date William's best friend William Van Cutsem.

Kate wore a chunky silver band on her small finger yesterday. When she was seen in July, she wore nothing. But previously she has worn a delicate silver band with a stone on her middle finger. It had been rumoured that William and Kate became engaged during a trip to Balmoral last month.

But Palace aides yesterday dismissed that as 'categorically untrue'. A source close to the couple said: 'They have had ups and downs and come through rough patches. But Kate dotes on William and he adores her. They really are the perfect match and they will certainly be married soon.'

Last week The Mail on Sunday revealed that the Royal Mint is making a commemorative coin in anticipation of a wedding.

The mould of the coin, featuring William and 'Catherine' is in the early stages of design. Several caterers and events organisers are also known to be compiling plans ahead of an announcement.

When he does eventually marry, William wants to stay out of the limelight and is said to be keen to continue living on Anglesey where he and Kate enjoy peace and quiet.

'No one bothers them in Anglesey. They are left to their own devices and they love the freedom and nature up there,' said a friend.

'They plan to make Wales their home for the next couple of years.' St James's Palace said: 'Only Prince William and Kate Middleton know what their plans are.'

source: dailymail
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